I will explain what are you need know for to make a Blog with Blogger.
Firstly, you need to create on new sole account, if you don´t hace one. Once you have created your account, link to the www.blogger.com. Then you need put your mouse over "create your blog now". You have to enter all the information about you. When you have finished you should choose a little for your personal Blog with this programe you could choose a different template for your screen. When you have set uo your Blog, you must press "star Blogging".
You can start writting your new blog. In this time you can change font zone, type of font, color...when you have finished, clik on "Publish Post".
Secondly, you can decorate your blog by uploading photos or a little pictures. If you want, you could put the picture to the left, centre, or right...When you are happy with ypur blog, click the upload image and your Blog will be compled.
Finally, when you want to update your blog on another day , you need click on blogger.com. You can write again, following the same stesps.